Handmade Spinning Stool  


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Spinning Chair (Cobbler's Stool)
The chairs are handmade from various soft- or hardwoods. The seat is about 2 3/8" thick, 16" wide and 9 3/4" deep.
The seat form is dished out about 1 1/8" deep and formed to support your body well. The seat is tilted 3 degrees forward, which straightens out your spine.
The three legs are 1 1/4" round dowels, which support the seat about 18.5" off the floor. The legs are glued into fairly deep holes in the seat underside and tied together by two rungs to prevent the legs from spreading outward.
The weight is about 4 pounds for one made from white pine and 6.5 pounds for a cherry chair.

Load capacity of the chair is about 220 pounds.


Finishes available:

a. clear (natural) polyurethane spar varnish (2 coats)
b. stained (colonial maple or other color of your choice) and 2 coats of polyurethane spar varnish                                   
c. oiled (teak oil, tung oil or linseedoil/turpentine)

Note: oiled only for hardwood.

a. Pine
b. Cherry - hardwoods custom order only
c. Maple
d. Walnut
e. Oak


a. Unfinished = $110.00 b. Natural pine = $120.00 c. Stained pine = $130.00 d. Hardwood oiled or varnished = starting at $175.00 (Walnut $195 due to high price of wood)

Shipping and Handling: about $30.00 to $45.00 depending on weight and shipping distance.

Wisconsin Residents: Please add 5.5% Sales Tax.
1113Lacquered Pine - 2 views <TOP
12Stool at Spinning Wheel <TOP
14 Oiled Cherry <TOP
15 Unfinished Cherry <TOP